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Teeth Cleaning & Exams

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Dental Exams in Arlington, TX

Visiting your dentist for regular dental cleanings and exams is your best chance to stop small issues in their tracks before they disrupt your life. You can stay calm, in control, and comfortable with your smile. A dental exam gives your dentist the chance to diagnose and prevent any issues that would get in the way of your overall health. Your mouth is the gateway to your health – and visiting your dentist ensures it stays well-guarded.

Why do I need a dental exam?

It’s recommended to have a dental exam every 6 months to give your teeth and gums a fighting chance at staying healthy and functional. Avoiding dental exams will only exacerbate your current dental issues and allow new problems to develop. Even those who have dentures or partials should visit their dentists on a bi-annual basis to ensure that their oral hygiene is still up to par and that their dentures or partials still fit properly.

A dental exam is also an ideal time to ask your dentist any questions about your teeth or gums, and it’s a great opportunity to learn about any new products or techniques that can improve your oral health and your smile.

dental cleaning in Arlington, TX

What to expect during a dental exam

During an exam, your dentist will evaluate your oral health and your bite. They will also assess your risk of developing bone or gum disease. Dental issues such as root and tooth decay and stains or deposits on your teeth will also be evaluated. Your hygienist will gently remove any stains or build-up and will typically take an x-ray of your teeth if they feel it is needed. If they notice any issue with your current oral hygiene habits, they will show you how to properly brush and floss your teeth and ensure that you are getting sufficient fluoride through your diet or tooth care products. Your dentist will also walk you through possible treatment plans to address any dental concerns you might have.

Arlington dental cleaning

Scheduling a dental cleaning with your hygienist is the path to getting and maintaining a smile you can be proud of. Regular dental cleanings are also an affordable and effective way to prevent more costly dental work down the line. It’s a simple way to improve your overall health and the longevity of your smile, without breaking the bank.

Why are regular dental cleanings so important?

The purpose of regular dental cleanings is to remove the plaque and tartar that is built up over time. Unfortunately, these are the ideal conditions for harmful bacteria to multiply and cause decay or disease in your teeth and gums. Regular dental cleanings can prevent dental and other health issues, such as:

What to expect during a dental cleaning

Your dentist will first examine your mouth for any serious dental issues. Then the hygienist will use instruments, such as a hand scaler and polisher, to remove the plaque and tartar on your teeth and along your gum line. If there is any sign of periodontal disease, your dentist might suggest a deep cleaning. This is simply a regular cleaning with some additional root scaling or planing to properly protect your gums. Regular dental cleanings are typically completed in less than an hour and most patients experience little to no discomfort. In fact, the majority of patients even enjoy their cleanings! Pecan Park Dental has experienced hygienists who will provide comfortable and effective dental cleaning treatments that you can look forward to.

Reap the rewards of regular cleanings and exams in Arlington, TX!

Our friendly and experienced Pecan Park Dental team is ready to help you protect your smile and improve your oral and overall health. Take charge of your oral health and visit us for your next dental cleaning in Arlington today!

Family smiling after seeing our dentist in Arlington, TX.

Unlock Your Perfect Smile At Our Arlington Dental Office

If you’re looking for a skilled yet gentle dentist in Arlington, our caring team is here to help you achieve and maintain healthy teeth for life!