If your gums are turning yellow or are discolored, this is an indication of a serious oral health issue that should be addressed as soon as possible. In many cases, a yellow coating on your gum line is an indication that you have begun to develop gingivitis. Plaque and tartar builds up along the gum line when you fail to follow proper oral hygiene and regular dental cleanings. This build-up appears as a yellowish deposit along the gums. If you have noticed this happening to you, it is important that you contact one of our Arlington dentists as soon as possible. Gingivitis is a progressive condition that will have a serious impact on your dental and overall health if not treated promptly.
Are there other reasons my gums would look yellow?
In addition to gingivitis, discolored or yellowish gums can indicate a number of other serious health issues. Anemia, for example, is one condition that may cause your gums to appear lighter. You may also be suffering from a tooth abscess if the discoloration is only occurring in spots, rather than all over the gums. An abscess forms when a tooth becomes infected. In many cases, something known as a draining fistula will form along the gums in order to relieve the pressure underneath the tooth from the infection. This will look like a yellow or white cyst along the gums or gum line.
If you have noticed any type of discoloration in your gums, it is imperative that you schedule an appointment with one of our caring and qualified dentists right away. Our caring staff will check for any oral and dental conditions that may be causing the discoloration, including performing an oral cancer screening. Though more than 40,000 people are diagnosed with oral cancer each year, it is still one of the lesser-known forms of the disease. Dark or discolored areas on the gums may be an indication of the disease, though the spots can occur on the tongue and lips as well. Oral cancer can spread aggressively, so it is important that you have a screening performed as soon as you notice any symptoms.